The Criteria For Choosing A Good Laminator

The Criteria For Choosing A Good Laminator

Here’s a criteria for choosing a laminator. We recommend the Ultima 65 Laminator for all your laminating needs.

The lamination output volume
Based on the frequency and number of documents to be laminated, then you can choose the laminator that meets your demand.

The size and thickness of the items to be laminated
Laminators come in different sizes, and you should first assess your workload so that you know which size you need. For instance, the Ultima 65 Roll Laminator is 27” wide and is ideal for school settings since it laminates banners and posters. You can either use 1.5 mil or 3 mil thick films when laminating your documents. In addition, the touchpad control ensures the lamination is perfect.

The period you want your documents to last
The quality of laminating films also vary, and some tend to preserve your documents longer than others. Acid-free films and UV films tend to last longer since they are thick.

The type of items that you will be laminating
All laminators are not designed to handle the same types of media; some work better with documents while others work better with photographs.

The space available
Buying a big laminator can stress you due to the limited space you have. Your choice of laminator should be one that fits in well in the space available in your premises.

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